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Dr. Ben Lynch: Dirty Genes & COVID-19

89 Min

Josh Trent
We're a very sick population and if we keep thinking that we need to kill and hunt down these sicknesses, viruses, and bacteria, that will forever put us at the mercy of the government or other organizations claiming to try and save us vs. us putting the actual work and effort in to become the healthiest versions of ourselves. It's all about choices vs being manipulated and basically lied to in my opinion. - Dr. Ben Lynch Do you have symptoms of Dirty Genes? Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE ---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | *REVIEW THE PODCAST* Wellness Force Radio Episode 353 Best-selling Author of Dirty Genes, Naturopathic Physician, and President of Seeking Health, Dr. Ben Lynch, explains how to overcome genetic dysfunction, the difference between making our own health choices vs. being manipulated by the system, why any face mask that isn't N95 certified is useless, what the Super 7 Genes are and how they can be supplemented with products from Seeking Health. Discover the connection between dirty genes, how to clean them, and how to protect yourself from COVID-19 as well as all viruses out there. Listen To Episode 353 As Dr. Ben Lynch Uncovers: [1:30] Making Our Own Health Choices vs Being Manipulated By The System Dr. Ben Lynch Seeking Health Dirty Genes by Dr. Ben Lynch 297 Mike Mutzel His statement and medical perspective on May 22nd, 2020 of where we were at with COVID-19. The negative impact of relying on external things compared to taking action on our own health. How suppressing with