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Dr. Zach Bush: Humanity, Consciousness & COVID19

99 Min

Josh Trent
Our patients are dying from a lack of oxygen-carrying capacity not a lack of respiratory capacity or lack of oxygen in the atmosphere or lack of oxygen in the respirator machine. They're dying because we're not treating the hemoglobin. - Dr. Zach Bush Is the approach to healing COVID19 patients with respirators all wrong? Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE ---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | *REVIEW THE PODCAST* Wellness Force Radio Episode 345 Triple board-certified physician, Founder and CEO of ION*Biome and Executive Producer for the docu-series, Farmer's Footprint, Dr. Zach Bush, explains why COVID19 actually isn't a respiratory virus, explores humanity's awakening in the global shutdown, how spraying pesticides and insecticides has increased COVID19's impact and the use of hydroxychloroquine and cyanide poisoning kits against COVID19. Discover what tools and methods might be the key to help heal COVID19 patients efficiently and quickly. ION*Biome ***Get 15% off of your ION*Biome order with the code JOSH1KS ION*Gut Health supports the body’s production of beneficial enzymes through redox signaling (cellular communication). Those beneficial enzymes support the tight junctions (the seals between cells) in our gut lining – the barrier protecting us from toxic substances like glyphosate and gluten while allowing the entry of beneficial nutrients. Keeping Your Gut Healthy It’s a critical barrier to keep strong so that a vibrant microbiome can flourish. Good health depends entirely on gut health because a lot more than digestion happens in the gut. It’s also where proper immune system function begins and the majority of our neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, are created. Say yes to ION*Gut Health and you are saying yes to optimal gut-brain connectivity and feel-good transmissions, protection from the toxins we face every day in our air, water, and food, immune function, digestive wellness, and supported gluten --- Send in a voice message: