E135: Craig David Opens Up About His Painful Rise, Fall & Redemption
Craig David is a singer and DJ who has sold over 15 million records worldwide. With over 20 years in the music industry, he is one of the world’s best-known singers. But when he found his career falling away beneath him, Craig had to reinvent himself. Coming back with the incredibly popular TS5, Craig has risen to the top, fallen back and then rebuilt himself back to exactly where he left off. Nothing reveals the truth about yourself more than having it all and (most of it) being taken away. Craig had to dig deep and express what was true to himself, but first he had to find out what that meant. Topics: Your early years Your model of relationships Growing up on a council estate Your early music influences Your rise in music How were you dealing with your meteoric rise? Losing yourself Your mental health journey Being back and in a better place The last guests question Craig: https://www.instagram.com/craigdavid/ https://mobile.twitter.com/craigdavid Sponsors: Huel - https://my.huel.com/Steven Myenergi - https://bit.ly/3oeWGnl Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices