E6. 7 Ways To Deal With Imposter Syndrome
Ever feel like you are a fake? Do you question if you are really qualified to be doing what you are doing? If so, you may have imposter syndrome. Learn all about imposter syndrome, what causes it, the typical signs, and 7 things you can do about it. Change is possible in your life and so are new beginnings. 5 types of imposter syndrome traits explored based on Dr. Valerie Young's work: https://www.themuse.com/advice/5-different-types-of-imposter-syndrome-and-5-ways-to-battle-each-one Hacks for working through, including building a circle of confidence as shared on Guy Counseling: https://guycounseling.com/circle-confidence-excellence/ Shout out to Dr. Margret Rutherford with Self Work: https://drmargaretrutherford.com/selfwork-podcast/ Shownotes on Guy Counseling https://guycounseling.com/e6-imposter-syndrome-podcast/