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Ep. 213: How To Stop People-Pleasing In Sobriety

72 Min

Casey McGuire Davidson
I describe myself as an ex-red wine girl and a recovering people-pleaser. And if you’re wondering how those two things are connected we’re going to dig into that because as you start to navigate sobriety, boundaries are going to be your very best friend. Have you fallen into a people-pleasing pattern? Maybe you’re an overachiever who takes care of everything and everyone. Maybe you’re the happy, agreeable girl who spends a lot of time “reading the room” to anticipate the emotions of others so you can put them at ease. Maybe you’re uncomfortable with conflict and would rather stuff down negative emotions than share them with the people in your life. Maybe you’re afraid to say no because you want people to like you. Maybe you’re terrified of disapproval so you’re anxious, self-critical and a perfectionist. Maybe you’re so busy meeting others’ expectations that you have trouble identifying your own wants, needs and feelings. Maybe you’re externally motivated, anxiously seeking the validation of your parents, teachers, boss, spouse, children or friends. It even sounds exhausting. And those ingrained patterns of behavior can make you want to drink to check out from overwhelm, resentment, sadness, loneliness, stress, irritation, unhappiness or feeling unappreciated. I asked my good friend Hailey Magee, a certified coach who helps people around the world break the people-pleasing pattern and master the art of self-advocacy and author of the book, Stop People Pleasing and Find Your Power to help me unpack people-pleasing, boundaries and why they matter in sobriety. 4 Ways I Can Support You In Drinking Less + Living More Join The Sobriety Starter Kit, the only sober coaching course designed specifically for busy women. My proven, step-by-step sober coaching program will teach you exactly how to stop drinking — and how to make it the best decision of your life. Save your seat in my FREE MASTERCLASS, 5 Secrets To Successfully Take a Break From Drinking Grab the Free 30-Day Guide To Quitting Drinking, 30 Tips For Your First Month Alcohol-Free. Connect with me for free sober coaching tips, updates + videos on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok @hellosomedaysober. Connect with Casey McGuire Davidson To find out more about Casey and her coaching programs, head over to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit