Ep 27: Puberty: Continuing the conversation about talking with boys
Keeping a kid healthy during and through puberty is about keeping a child informed and prepared. Kids are ready before parents are ready so today we get prepared for these conversations with pediatrician and New York Times best selling author Dr. Cara Natterson . Show notes: Books by Cara Natterson, MD https://www.amazon.com/Decoding-Boys-Science-Behind-Raising/dp/1984819038/ref=nodl_ https://www.amazon.com/Care-Keeping-You-Younger-American/dp/1609580834/ref=nodl_#immersive-view_1580334065434 https://www.amazon.com/Guy-Stuff-Body-Book-Boys/dp/1683370260/ref=nodl_ TV show, Big Mouth, mentioned recommended for adults to get into the mind of teen boys: https://www.netflix.com/title/80117038 Produced by Dear Media