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Establishing Heart - Brain - Coherence

43 Min
1k+ Plays
48 Favorites

Sonic Healer
Sound Therapist
"Establishing Heart-Brain Coherence / Healing Sounds Of Light" is an immersive audio experience designed to harmonize the connection between the heart and the brain. This soothing soundscape is infused with soft, melodic tones that resonate with the frequencies of both the heart and the brain, promoting a state of deep relaxation and inner balance. As you listen, you'll be enveloped in a cocoon of calming sounds, each carefully crafted to encourage a state of coherence where the heart and brain operate in synchrony. The harmonious blend of light, ethereal soundscapes with subtle, grounding undertones serves as a tool for mindfulness, helping to quiet the mind and open the heart. Follow me here on Aura for all updates.