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Evan Brand: Adaptogens For Wellness & Energy

64 Min

Josh Trent
With the vast ocean of an industry that exceeds 122 billion dollars of supplements, pills, powders and elixirs in our wellness world, just exactly how do we decipher which things will actually work for the path we are walking in our personal wellness journey? An even better question is how do we know which supplements to trust and what natural plant-based adaptogens will give us more sustained energy throughout the day? JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | REVIEW THIS PODCAST It should not come as a shock to anyone that the weight of our current responsibilities in this modern world are growing more every day. Combine this fact with all the social media, electronic, and technology distractions that pull us away from living a life of optimal wellness, and then how can we hit the reset button without wearing a bathrobe in the mountains for 5 days? (JK) :) To help transcend overwhelm and excess stress, today on the podcast we're talking about the natural ways we can modulate stress and help to normalize our bodies by finding more balance. We're talking with my good friend, Nutritional Therapist, and Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Evan Brand, about using adaptogens; natural and phyto-therapeutic uses of plants to help us heal and give us more energy. Functional Medicine Through An Ancestral Lens If you been listening to the podcast for a while, you know that I've been a huge fan of Rhodiola Rosea as well as Maca for energy, so today on the podcast, if you've been curious about using adaptogens for wellness and energy this is going to be an awesome show for you. I know you're going to love (just as much as I did) Evan's down-home, grounded and authentic personality where we dive into topics like functional medicine through an ancestral lens, how to get back in touch with your inner dialogue, letting go of "paralysis by analysis," what adaptogens and supplements are best to take with you while traveling, and one of my most favorite seven for seven rounds we've had yet on the show. Be sure to stick around to hear Evan's take on the emotional quotient in letting go of old weight and how to use plants to give the type of healing that could never be produced in a lab. What Are Adaptogens? Adaptogens: Modulate stress responses and can help normalize body imbalances. By supporting adrenal function, they counteract the adverse effects of stress. They enable the body's cells to access more energy; help cells eliminate toxic byproducts of the metabolic process and help the body to utilize oxygen more efficiently. Phytotherapy refers to the use of plants for their healing abilities. Adaptogens are a unique class of healing plants: They help balance, restore and protect the body. As naturopath Edward Wallace explains, "An adaptogen doesn’t have a specific action: It helps you respond to any influence or stressor, normalizing your physiological functions." Top 9 Adaptogens