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Fall In Love With Your Life (Sample)

4 Min
Life Coaching
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Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
Santosha invites us into contentment by taking refuge in a calm center, opening our hearts in gratitude for what we do have, and practicing the paradox of ‘not seeking'. 'Not seeking' as not needing to be seeking and grasping whilst missing out on what is right in front of us ~ and what is often ~ pure perfection. If you live the practice of Santosha ~ life would instantly be happier, easier, better, and with far more freedom to enjoy ‘what is'. Thus—and here is the practice of this niyama—through the power of contentment, happiness becomes our choice. Please join me in this beautiful practice. Send me a note! Let me know how you are living the practice of santosha in your life. Sending you great love... Dorothy