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Flipping I Have To, To I Get To

8 Min
Life Coaching
88 Favorites

Daniel Roquéo
Spiritual Teacher and Healer
Perception, and thus the vibration we carry is a choice. Oftentimes we are faced with chores and tasks that we perhaps perceive that we "have" to do. This can evoke frustration, anger, resentment, and even victim consciousness. However, flipping the "I have to", to "I get to" evokes a totally different vibration, as we move from being obliged to do something to actually being privileged to do it. Many of the things that we may perceive that we have to do, millions of individuals would absolutely love to do, but for various reasons they cannot. But we do get to. Choosing to acknowledge this, is a powerful tool to call forth peace, harmony, and wholeness into our experience.