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Four Best Practices For Self-Discovery

22 Min
Life Coaching
28 Favorites

Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
Self-study and self-discovery can only truly exist in an environment in which you are wholly honest with yourself and in your life because without this you would not be willing to look at and see what aspects need your attention - your love - your care. In this track of Life Coaching WISDOM, we explore the spiritual teachings of Svadhyaya (Sanskrit = self-study) and four game-changing practices for living a life of self-discovery, self-introspection, and self-study. Questions to contemplate: 1. Can I live more moments in the purity of self-study and with self-honesty? 2. Can I allow my awareness to lead me into greater self-discovery of who I am? Let self-study be a value and a practice that you live - for the rest of your life.