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Fresh Morning

9 Min
Alternative Healing
39 Favorites

Jac Kinslow
EFT, Meditation, RRT & Reiki Master
Do you ever feel like you need more energy in the morning? EFT is a form of self-help therapy that can help clear negative thoughts and emotions. Tapping can be used to prepare yourself for the day ahead by helping to boost your energy levels & focus. This script is a simple tapping sequence to help get your day started on the right foot! Check out my how-to video for the points or see the list in the description. Karate Chop (the cushy side above pinky) Crown (top of the head) Third eye (tips of the inner brow) Temple (side of eyes) Eye bone (under eye) Upper lip (between nose & upper lip) Dip in the chin (the crease below your bottom lip) Collar bone (about an inch below) Under Arm (at breast line) Inner wrist (wrist & palms meet)