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Greg Anderson | Health Freedom: A Brave Police Officer's Truth On COVID-19

54 Min

Josh Trent
When at any time in American history can a cop tell you what you have to put around your face? 100% of my co-workers are in absolute agreement with me and they cannot believe the stuff we're seeing officers do nationwide. That is why I was compelled to talk about it in my video. I said, 'I understand that you've got a mortgage; I do too. I understand you have babies to feed; I do too. It doesn't matter what your financial situation is or your personal financial commitment, none of that is relevant because this is simply a matter of law and simply a matter of right and wrong. We do not have the option to go and enforce these executive orders and destroy people's livelihoods.' - Greg Anderson What constitutional rights have been taken away from you during the COVID19 lockdown? Look at the facts and ask yourself: Does this feel right? Does this feel right in my heart? What is my truth? Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE ---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | *REVIEW THE PODCAST* Wellness Force Radio Episode 350 Former Port of Seattle Law Enforcement Officer and Wellness Advocate for our health freedom, Greg Anderson, shares his mission to change the way officers across the USA are enforcing unconstitutional laws, how COVID19 lockdowns are directly benefiting our government's pockets, and why what the mass media is telling us about the coronavirus is not lining up with what's really happening at the hospitals. Discover what it means to have true health freedom and how to make it yours for life. Listen To Episode 350 As Greg Anderson Uncovers: [1:30] Americans' Rights To The First Amendment Greg Anderson The Viral Video - Are you doing the right thing? Follow up video to Are you doing the right thing? - A Hill I'll Die On Cured Nutrition Greg's background in the military and being deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq before becoming a