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How to Deal with a Defensive Partner

64 Min
2 Favorites

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby
There are few things more frustrating than trying to figure out how to deal with a defensive partner. You just want them to understand how you feel and what you need, but they’re too busy defending themselves to truly listen. Unfortunately, defensive reactions can make it difficult to have conversations escalating into big, nasty fights. The systems for resolving problems in relationships begin to break down, and that’s when your relationship is in serious trouble. Fortunately, both people have a role to play in this common dynamic, and both of you have opportunities to create positive change. That’s what we’re discussing on this episode of the podcast. I hope it gives you new confidence for overcoming defensiveness — whether it’s coming from your partner, or from inside of you. I hope you’ll join me. With love, Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby P.S. — For more advice on helping each other feel seen, heard, and understood, check out our “Communication that Connects” collection of articles and podcasts.