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Jeff Boyd | More Than Energy: The Multitasking Myth + How Nootropic Paraxanthine Makes You Superhuman

105 Min

Josh Trent
Wellness + Wisdom | Episode 708 What if the secret to limitless energy and a purposeful life lies in the right supplements? Jeff Boyd, Founder of MTE, joins Josh Trent on the Wellness + Wisdom Podcast, episode 708, to reveal the secrets to building lasting habits, how to unlock limitless energy with natural solutions, why nootropics are a healthier and more sustainable source of energy compared to caffeine, and how to live a life of purpose while breaking free from the traps of modern life. "Saffron is 21 times more expensive than any other ingredient in the MTE formula. If it weren't that expensive, it would be the #1 supplement in the country, if not the world. It's decreasing anger, confusion, depression, increasing vigor, and then improves your sleep." - Jeff Boyd Get MTE Supplements with 20% Off MTE is a science-backed blend of superfoods, nootropics + adaptogens that support whole-body health. Replace excessive caffeine to supercharge energy, wellness, and recovery. Energy: A dynamic nootropic blend supports jitter-free energy without the caffeine crash you get from coffee and energy drinks. Focus: Packed with ingredients like teacrine and l-theanine to support peak performance and focus. Mood: Adaptogens and nootropics like saffron and holy basil support mood and stress response. Recovery: Adaptogens support stress response, which helps support more natural energy reserves during the day and recovery at night. Get 20% off MTE with code "JOSH" In This Episode, Jeff Boyd Uncovers: [01:30] The Key to Wellness [07:55] More Than Energy [13:05] The Limitless Powder [17:40] Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Last [22:15] Don't Let One "Fail" Define Your Success [28:05] How to Create New Habits [33:20] Live a Life of Purpose [38:00] What Is It That Makes You Itch? [43:20] The Key to Success [48:55] Do You Love Yourself? [56:10] Healing The Scarcity Mindset [01:00:45] Why MTE? [01:05:55] Caffeine Replacement [01:13:25] The Healing Power of Saffron [01:20:55] Going Back to Nature + Community [01:27:15] What You Consume Matters [01:33:10] The Benefits of Nootropics 👉 ⁠⁠⁠⁠Get the full SHOW NOTES + resources HERE!⁠⁠ Josh's Trusted Products | Up To 40% Off Shop All Products Wellness Test Kits Choose Joi - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH Blokes - Save 50% on all Lab Tests with JOSH FertilityWize Test by Clockwize - Save 10% with code JOSH Tiny Health Gut Tests - $20 off with discount code JOSH20 VIVOO Health Tests - Save 30% off with code JOSH SiPhox Health Blood Test - Save 15% off with code JOSH Nutrition + Gut Health Organifi - 20% off with discount code WELLNESSFORCE SEED Synbiotic - 25% off with the code 25JOSHTRENT Paleovalley - SPECIAL 20% off UNTIL FEBRUARY 28TH EQUIP Foods - 15% off with the code WELLNESS15 DRY FARM WINES - Get an extra bottle of Pure Natural Wine with your order for just 1¢ Just Thrive - 20% off with the code JOSH Legacy Cacao - Save 10% with JOSH when you order by the pound! Fitness + Physical Health Detox Dudes Online Courses - Up to $500 off with discount code JOSH Kineon - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 Create Wellness Creatine Gummies - 20% off with discount code JOSH20 BioPro+ by BioProtein Technology - Save $30 OFF WITH CODE JOSH Drink LMNT - Zero Sugar Hydration: Get your free LMNT Sample Pack, with any purchase ⁠Myoxcience - 20% off with the code JOSH20 Healthy Home SunHome Saunas - Save $200 with JOSH200 JASPR Air Purifier - Save 10% with code WELLNESS QI-Shield EMF Device by NOA AON - 20% off with the code JOSH Zyppah Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece - 20% off with the code JOSH Holy Hydrogen - $100 off with discount code JOSH SimplyO3 - 10% off with discount code JOSH10 LEELA Quantum Upgrade + Frequency Bundles - Get 15 days free with code JOSH15 TrulyFree Toxic- Free Cleaning Products - Get 40% off + Freebies with code WELLNESSFORCE