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Jesse Lawler | Cognitive Bias: Evolving From Physic Injury

51 Min

Josh Trent
Understanding of cognitive bias is a great inroad to self-acceptance of your own having made bad decisions because it's something we're all saddled with; every single one of us. Everyone is set up with the same set of biases. At this point, most cognitive biases are bugs; not features but just understanding that cognitive bias exists can keep us from kicking ourselves when we're down. Even though cognitive biases are sort of a built-in problem within the mind, they're also something that can help you make a connection to that past imprints in your mind so that you can heal. - Jesse Lawler How can you wade through all of the different opinions, research, and even your own past experiences to uncover and explore your cognitive biases? JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | REVIEW THIS PODCAST 20% OFF ORGANIFI - USE CODE: WELLNESSFORCE On Wellness Force Radio episode 207, AXON Labs Founder and Smart Drug Smarts Podcast Host, Jesse Lawler, joins us for the third time to share how to heal the psychic wounds that have been imprinted in your mind, the best way to seek out information without the bandwagon effect, and the dangers of groupthink and how to avoid it. Discover how you can get out of your mind and into your soul to reveal who you truly are. "We're always completely aware of the context of our own decisions which is why they seem completely reasonable to us. Just because they seem reasonable to us, it doesn't mean they're worth something to anybody else and vice versa." - @Lawlerpalooza "Intelligence is as fixed as a person's height." Right? But guess what - you're part of the species that invented platform shoes, stilts, elevators, helium balloons and rocket ships. Smart Drug Smarts is for people interested in maximizing their brains -- both in health and utility -- using the latest findings in neuroscience. Join Jesse Lawler as he chats with neuroscientists, biochemists, futurists, and multi-domain researchers into cognitive enhancement. Sleep, optimal nutrition, supplements and nootropics, cognitive enhancement, Artificial Intelligence, ketogenic diets, psychedelics, and tDCS are all on the table. Smart Drug Smarts doesn’t advocate any particular approach -- we’re here to provide an accurate-as-possible body of knowledge in a field where the options available are growing daily. Listen To Episode 207 As Jesse Lawler Uncovers: Whether or not in-person job interviews actually have any value at all when it comes to choosing the right candidate. The actual number of cognitive biases that we experience in a lifetime.