Jesse Lawler: Willpower, Consciousness, & The Placebo Effect
"Optimists tend to be stronger responders to placebos. The placebo effect is a pervasive phenomenon; in fact, it is part of the response to any active medical intervention. The placebo effect points to the importance of perception and the brain's role in physical health. The opposite of a Placebo Effect is a Nocebo Effect. A Nocebo effect causes the perception that the phenomenon will have a negative outcome to actively influence the result. Pessimism may now be correlated with the Nocebo Effect.' - Jesse Lawler on WFR 097 Brainpower Upgrade For anyone who's ever been interested in increasing their brainpower and learning more about what their body is capable of and how to get started, this is a great Wellness Force Radio podcast episode for you to listen to! What an amazing time for all of us to be alive with all of this technology to help us enhance and improve our minds and bodies. On this week's episode, I had an incredible conversation with previous WFR guest, Axon Labs Founder, and Smart Drug Smarts (SDS) Podcast Host, Jesse Lawler about smart drugs, meditation, the placebo effect, and how we can take that next step forward to learning more about ourselves. If you tuned into last week's episode with Daniel Schmachtenberger, we dive even deeper this week to uncover how smart drugs like nootropics not only alter or state of consciousness, but how they can help benefit our lives and wellness as well. Enhance Your Brainpower With Smart Drugs "Smart drugs are a part of a wide family that doesn't really have a common starting point." - Jesse Lawler Jesse explains that there is one main, common misconception about the origins of smart drugs. It's a popular disbelief that all of the smart drugs that are out there just operate in the same way. Many believe that they're similar to the drugs (Ritalin and Adderall ) that are used to help ADHD. However, there's so much more to smart drugs than we originally thought was possible. Smart drugs don't have one common root and each one individually helps us to enhance different cognitive senses: Memory Mood Energy Focus How to Choose the Perfect Smart Drug for You If you're curious in trying a smart drug, don't rush into taking anything immediately without giving yourself enough time to think if it's right for you. A lot of us already take a common cognitive enhancer: Coffee. Consider if coffee already helps you achieve what you want more of: energy, focus, or mood. A lot of us already know our limits with coffee and we can only drink so much of it before we become over anxious and jittery. If the right amount of coffee (1-3 cups or more if need be) already gives you what you want when you need it, do you really need to add a nootropic to the combination? Today it's quite popular to add different substances to your coffee and Bulletproof Coffee is a great example of that. Some people like adding aniracetam, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter to their coffee, but it might not be for everyone. When trying a new smart drug, you have to take it one step at a time to see how different combinations affect you. K --- Send in a voice message: