John Nieuwenburg - Overcoming Adversity (Depression)
John Nieuwenburg opens up in a very vulnerable way about his attempted suicide and depression on today's show. John is an award-winning coach and a TedX speaker. He talks on what depression feels like, his recovery after his suicide attempt, and how other people can prevent what John has went through. Do not be afraid to talk about your depression and to seek help. The only way to come out of your darkness is by shining a light on it. Key Takeaways: [2:55] Who is John Nieuwenburg? [7:55] What was life like for John before the age of 45? [13:40] What makes a great coach? [17:55] What type of work does John do? [23:25] Why did John attempt suicide? [25:45] What does depression feel like? [34:00] We give depression power by not talking about it. Talk about your depression. [39:35] With depression, you feel like you've run out of options. [45:00] Statistics on suicides in Canada says that 3 out of 4 suicides are men. [48:10] What happened after John's suicide attempt? [51:40] Remember, ManTalks is hosting a full one day event on Nov 7th. [55:20] How can you help people who are suffering? [58:10 The only way to come out of the darkness is by shining a light on it. [58:35] Should you take medication? [1:01:50] Should you talk about depression with children? [1:03:40] What does it mean to be a man today? [1:05:50] Do you have a written definition of the best you can be? Affirmations are important. [1:09:00] What is John excited about today? Mentioned In This Episode: Darkness Visible by William Styron Music Credit: Parlange & Latenite Automatic (– See for privacy information. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit