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Josh Clemente: The Truth About Glucose & Body Fat

68 Min

Josh Trent
Rather than going through a series of blood marker tests, getting the results, and receiving a follow-up call, Levels will get you all of that in real-time, every day. That means Levels is able to help you make a meal decision right in the moment and immediately give you feedback about your body's response to that food. Levels is not just about giving people a device in a vacuum but giving them evidence-based insight that is entirely based on their own biological data. - Josh Clemente How does Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) help people navigate the world of metabolic individuality? Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE ---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | *REVIEW THE PODCAST* Wellness Force Radio Episode 341 Founder of Levels Health, Josh Clemente, explains how their Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) device will help you build your personalized diet, what metabolic dysfunction is and how it correlates with COVID19, and how to maintain solid energy levels throughout the day. Discover how the Levels CGM device will give you instant feedback on how to eat for your metabolic type. Sign Up For Early Levels Health Access Click here to sign up for early access to Levels Health A Truly Personalized Health and Wellness System Levels is a health & wellness program that allows you to take control of your metabolic fitness in pursuit of true health. By unlocking and analyzing your unique metabolic data in real-time, we empower you with the information and guidance needed to make smarter decisions and ultimately optimize your mental and physical performance. Why Metabolic Health? Though often disregarded, metabolic health is the foundation of an optimal lifestyle. Regulating our sleep, appetite and energy levels, it’s what keeps us alive. Real-Time Data-Driven Analytics Levels unlocks real-time metabolic data that gives immediate feedback about your unique --- Send in a voice message: