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Josh Trent: Wellness & Genetics BONUS Episode

12 Min
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Josh Trent
BONUS episode for a ten minute bite this week! Today, we're talking about your wellness and genetics. Yes, predisposition towards health complications do exist, but from the collective consciousness in regards to lifestyle modification, saying that genes keep you fat takes the power of positive change out of your hands. Remember when you were 7 years old and you got caught drawing with crayons on the wall in your room? What was your first response? Either fully own up to it or, most likely at that age, peel back and dive into 100% denial. When it comes to our wellness in the modern world, the national food system, personal health choices, and nutritional habits have officially become the crayons. Do you mindlessly graze on carb-packed foods throughout the day in a stress response to elevated cortisol? Do you feel like the meals you eat could possibly be an escape from a day filled with stress, deadlines, and lack of sleep? WELCOME TO THE 21ST CENTURY You are not alone. In the currently health-jaded society, our mechanized, homogenized, and pasteurized system cannot be the scapegoat for you to place blame on any longer. If you’re willing to spend enough quiet time by yourself in yoga, meditation, or breathing, completely removed from the distractions of the outside world, your intuition will tell you that the only thing holding you back from feeling and moving better is you. This ten minute bite podcast was crated to inspire you to take the action and accountability needed for your dreams – whatever they might be. Step outside the box for a minute with me and get a little bit closer to feeling the way you deserve to feel: amazing. HUMANS OF THESE MODERN TIMES We learn the benefits of denial at an early age. It comes in many forms but always has one strong anchor: it doesn’t serve our true needs. We all tend to place blame on others from time to time; our thoughts and actions miss the authentic boat. The path of least resistance is all to easy and holds no accountability to our true desires when it comes to health and wellness. We ask ourselves early in the wellness journey at some point before the awakening: “Am I just a product of my genetics?” Western medicine would like you to believe so, but after the past 10 years of coaching I can instinctively and intuitively say no. “The mind only believes what you want it to believe and the body will always follow in tow.” – T.u. Late one night, I had to go get water at my local grocery, when I ran into one of my old gym members from Mission Beach. Her shopping cart was filled with the usual suspects- bread, soy, dairy, chips, cakes and pasta. You can always tell a lot about a person by the way they shop- where they are going and where they have been. When asked about her health goals, she told me about quitting the gym and doing a master cleanse the week before. You know the drill, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and a lot of BS. Its another one of those week long diets where you starve yourself and go into ketoacidosis only to regain all of the lost weight plus 3 lbs. GENETICS & BELIEF “It’s in my genetics Josh, I just can’t lose weight, I’m going to get a lap-band consultation soon,” she says while reaching for a 2 liter of Diet Pepsi. My heart sank as I talked to her a little about