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Juggling Passions and Responsibilities: A Clear Approach to Success

22 Min

Tina Stinson
Life & Health Coach
In this episode, I explore the challenges of juggling passions and responsibilities through the lens of Human Design. As a Generator with a sacral authority, I follow my gut for decisions, but what happens when responsibilities clash with my gut feeling? I share my experience in navigating this issue. I use the 3 D’s—Ditch, Delegate, or Do—to address tasks involved in my podcast, Soul Aligned Self Care. Despite loving podcasting, I despise writing show notes. Rather than quitting, I choose to delegate. Explaining the decision-making process and how I've found a solution highlights the importance of aligning responsibilities with passions. Listeners discover practical insights and are encouraged to honor their feelings, finding solutions for tasks that cause friction. I introduce the Take 5 Method and share a quick recording for those wanting to try it. The episode concludes with a reminder about the upcoming training in the Soul Aligned Self Care Intensive, emphasizing the importance of finding one’s “WHY” to support personal goals. Join the journey of balancing passion and responsibility, adding more happiness to life. 🌟 I’m so glad you came and hung out with me today on the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast!   Be sure To Subscribe & Share with someone who could use a little self-care & self-love. If anything resonated with you today, leave a 5 star review to help get the show in front of more people. Remember, always be sure to add some deep-level self-care into your life every single day!   Stay connected with Tina below: To be a part of a community where we talk about Self-Care, Mindset, and sharing the best version of yourself with the world. Join us in The Soul Aligned Self Care Insider’s on Patreon, you can follow for free or get more support on the inside: To get more support, learn about the Soul Aligned Self Care Intensive HERE: Check out Soul Aligned Infusions where Skin Care meets Self Care HERE: Soul Aligned Self Care Must Have Freebies: Grab this complimentary Masterclass, 3 Mindset Shifts You Need To Get Unstuck …For Good, Grab it HERE: Feeling Stuck? Grab my Free E-Book/Workbook: The Ultimate Guide To Get Unstuck In Life,  right here: Instagram: Connect with me on a more personal level, here's my Instagram - Here's the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast Instagram: Work With Tina:  Link To The Human Design Hive: Human Design Hive Home - Human Design Hive Lots of love and care, Xo, T