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Life in Exquisite Balance

3 Min
Life Coaching
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Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
How do you live in balance? in harmony? with yourself and with all of life? Why are balance and harmony the key to feeling complete, full, and whole? In a culture of excess, we enjoy and savor the sacredness of singular moments ~ each moment was woven into the next and to which becomes the flow of life and all that we know life to be. Brahmacharya is about the moderation of the senses. As a moral discipline, it is a key practice for managing our sensory cravings. The secret to living in the balance – to not need the excess – to moderate the indulgences so they are not in control of you, is to enjoy what is right now ~ what you already have, what exists all around you ~ and here in this moment.