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Life On My Terms Series: 3 Ways To Drift Through The Drama & Stay On Your Life Path

12 Min

Tina Stinson
Life & Health Coach
Hello Soul Aligned Self Care Community, I'm continuing on with the "Life On My Terms Series" Where I share things I'm experiencing, right now, in my life, and the lessons I'm learning in real-time.  This is a fairly new lesson I’m learning with the help of this unpredictable completely crazy world we’re living in right now. Every day we hear terms like, unprecedented, challenging, turbulent, and unmatched, I could go on but I think you catch the drift. It's been a ride that just keeps getting crazier and crazier. Just when you think something crazier can’t possibly happen, it does. I question nothing now and if someone said there's been a bird zombie outbreak, I’d be like, okay, what else you got, bees that electrocute us, no problem, I got this.  The truth is though, that I don’t.  Let's get into it! I’m so glad you came and hung out with me today on the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast! Don’t forget to subscribe & share with someone who could use a little self-care & self-love. Could I ask you for a favor so that I can reach and help more people? If you could leave a review on iTunes, I would love to send you as a Thank You a free Empowerment affirmation meditation. Just screenshot it before submitting it and email it to me at and I will send the meditation right to your inbox.  Remember, always be sure to add some deep-level self-care into your life every single day! Stay connected with Tina below: Join me every week on Sunday for a Self-Love/Self-Care Journaling Practice. All you have to do is sign up and every Sunday you’ll get a new journal prompt to work on with me for the week! You will also sometimes get some affirmations and personal stories of how these have helped me live my life in a healthy balanced state. Totally FREE> Join The Self Love Revolution Here: Feeling Stuck? Grab my Free E-Book/Workbook: The Ultimate Guide To Get Unstuck In Life,  right here: Get on the list for the next FREE Masterclass all about Finding Your Purpose. Sign up here:  Want to stay connected with me and get all my emails covering mindset, self-care, & self-love? All you have to do is sign up *HERE* and you won’t miss a thing! Want to hang out and work together? Checkout my Courses & The Bootcamp Connect with me on a more personal level, Here's my Instagram - Here's the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast Instagram: Join my Community on Patreon! Follow me for free, or, I have a question, Do you love self-development books and want to hang out with me and read? Or do you just feel this overwhelming need to support me in my journey to spread Self-care and self-love? Join me in The Soul Aligned Self Care Book Club on Patreon: Lots of love and care, Xo, T