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Mindful Witnessing

4 Min
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Karuna Priya
Meditation Teacher & Former Monk
This guided meditation can help you see things and people as if seeing for the first time, be less judgmental and open up to new possibilities in relationships and interactions with the world.
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11 reflections
Not enough
I liked where this meditation was going but it cut off before I can understand its point.
Mindful Witnessing
Seeing things without labels!! Seeing things for the first time!! Witnessing sensations as brand new!! This is a good practice in the ultimate step towards seeing people as they really are, like for the first time... No labels, No boundaries, No misconceptions... More importantly, seeing yourself as you truly are...
Living more deeply
I learned that if I can witness a situation, a person, a thought, simply as it is, then a whole new world of listening, discovery, and acceptance will be available to me. I will not be driven by my emotions and judgement but rather by seeing and understanding what is actually there, allowing a much deeper engagement with everything in life.
New perspective and a deeper mindful look
I took a deeper look at a object in my room that has always been special. But looking at it as if I was seeing it for the first time made me appreciate it more, not just for its functionality, for everything that it represents to me. The objects it’s adorned with, where they came from and where my thoughts go wandering when I gaze at them with this perspective of seeing them for the first time. Very special and mindful meditation. Thanks 🙏 Aura
I haven’t been myself lately and i don’t know why. People around me are noticing it and i want my regular self back... any advice? Right now i’m trying to find the cause and i have a couple ideas but i want to be happier. This app is helpful but it’s not helping enough
I see green trees...
Interesting awareness to think about my eyes and how I see, as I examine closely what is in front of me, with it’s rich colors and varying textures. Namaste
Mindful newness
I need to renew my excitement for Jesus everyday and let myself feel what's going on inside more
I felt emotions rise
I learned that when emotions rise I can choose to let them pass by instead of getting caught inside one. I can exhale and examine a different object in my surrounding. Every emotion is a new opportunity to deal with the unpleasant and create my truth.
I was so distracted by the voice in this meditation that I could not wait until the end. This one is not helpful to me.
Hard to just see
For things that I see routinely, I have probably made a mindful judgement about how I see it. Beautiful, ugly, plain, too fancy, etc. I probably won’t be changing my mind. But....for things I see that are outside of my preconceived notion of how they should look, that’s exciting. I can see what ever I choose to see; however I choose to see it. Thanks Aura. 🙏🌷
You are more than your feelings
It would be good to do this meditation when experiencing some real sadness or grief. It would help to realize that these are just feelings and they will pass. I think it would then help me to cope with those intense feelings.