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Murdoc Khaleghi: Bulletproof From A Blood Test

60 Min
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Josh Trent
"What's amazing is that knowing your health data can only help you. There's never been anyone that hasn't benefited or been harmed by knowing more about their cholesterol, thyroid function, inflammation, or Vitamin D levels. You can only benefit from a blood test."- Dr. Murdoc Khaleghi How much can your blood panels reveal about your health? This week, author, physician, and Medical Director at WellnessFX, Dr. Murdoc Khaleghi, talks about the importance of blood tests and explains how a personalized analysis can make your physical and emotional health bulletproof. Make Your Health Bulletproof We all know that knowledge is power. Therefore, to fully understand where our health stands and to become bulletproof, we need to look at the entire picture. Maybe you don't feel good and don't know why? Thanks to blood tests, we can learn more than we ever could before about our personal health. With this knowledge, we're given the opportunity to make necessary life changes to feel better each day and prevent disease in the future. A blood test can tell you so much about your biomarker levels and organ functions. Take advantage of this valuable information and make good, healthy changes in your life. Take Advantage of Blood Tests As we evolve as a society, we're becoming more aware of the importance of our health. With all of the benefits that blood tests give us, we can lead healthier lives. Taking a blood test may sound scary if you think about needles and having your blood drawn. However, the process is simple and can help you learn so much about your body and mental health. Even if you're a very healthy person, a blood test can show some surprising information about yourself and alert you about any health concerns. How Often Should You Take a Blood Test? How often you should have a blood test done depends on your health concern or motive. If you want to take charge and find the perfect wellness combination for you, Dr. Khaleghi recommends having a blood test done every 6 months to 1 year until you reach your health goal. Overall, with the help of a blood test, you can make better decisions concerning your nutrition, fitness, sleep, and mental health. Understand Your Unique Health "One of the best features of a service like WellnessFX is the opportunity to really get your individualized feedback and adjust accordingly. The health adjustments that were right for me may not be right for everyone else. We all vary genetically."- Dr. Murdoc Khaleghi An ordinary blood test can provide us with general information that is difficult to understand. Fortunately, one of the best things about a personalized blood test is that a personalized consultation is provided to explain the results and recommend what steps to take next on your wellness journey. Each and every single one of us is genetically different. Thus, our bodies need different amounts and forms of nutrition, exercise, and health care. A personalized blood test will give you insight into several health factors, including: Blood health Cholesterol Cardiovascular health Cortisol Thyroid function Inflammation Vitamin D Blood sugar Insulin Organ health (livers, kidney) Whether you want just an overall view of your health or focus on something specific such as athletic performance, blood analysis organizations like WellnessFX offer different types of --- Send in a voice message: