Navigating PTSD [with Elena Breese]
Drop In with Dr. J is a DiveThru original podcast. Download the DiveThru App: Sensory note: this episode was recorded virtually and not all background noise could be removed. This week on Drop In, we welcome Elena Breese and chat about her PTSD healing journey after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing. She opens up about her experience processing the event, including that it took 3 years to reeaaaally recognize the effects PTSD was having on her body and mind. Elena and Dr. J’s conversation normalizes that many different types of trauma can lead to PTSD—it’s not limited to military combat, which is what we often think of. They highlight PTSD in alllll the ways it can manifest and also share tips and tools that helped Elena in her healing so far. One thing to know about PTSD—it’s always a work in progress! This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Enter code “dropindrj” to get 10% off your first month. Follow Drop In with Dr. J on Instagram. Follow Dr. Justin Puder on Instagram. Follow DiveThru on Instagram.