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Patrick Haize | Practical Spirituality: The 3 Energy Bodies

86 Min
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Josh Trent
The three energy bodies are the physical, etheric, and astral; all three of these come together to create the consciousness that we experience as we go throughout our day and as we dream at night. This point of coming into awareness of yourself is very much the key to unlocking the blockages that we have in life in general. A lot of the dysfunctions that you may feel in life are not who you are and you can rewire those patterns. As you repattern yourself, you can learn how to get back that original inspiration that is your true nature and you can wire yourself to be in alignment with your true expression. - Patrick Haize How can you transcend your anxiety, depression, and negative emotions? How do the three energy bodies: astral, etheric, and physical shape and color the fabric of life? Get 15% off your CURED Nutrition order with the code WELLNESSFORCE ---> Get The Morning 21 System: A simple and powerful 21 minute system designed to give you more energy to let go of old weight and live life well. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | *REVIEW THE PODCAST* Wellness Force Radio Episode 347 Musician, Teacher, and New Earth Pioneer, Patrick Haize, unpacks the three energy bodies: astral, etheric, and physical; how to heal generational pain, how to stay grounded and centered amongst the chaos, and how we can begin to trust ourselves again through practical tools of breathwork, exercise, nutrition, and meditation. Discover how to heal your emotional triggers and get to the root of why they exist in the first place. Listen To Episode 347 As Patrick Haize Uncovers: [1:30] How To Trust Ourselves Again Patrick Haize One on One Coaching Sessions with Patrick Haize Cured Nutrition Try our revolutionary new breathwork & wellness program, BREATHE, and get 75% off with the code TRIBE 346 James Sol Radina What he is doing right now to help him stay centered amongst the chaos. How we can begin to trust ourselves again through practical tools of