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Preventing Anger From Turning Into Rage With DBT

26 Min
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Dr. John Moore
Do you suppress your anger? When you do express these feelings, do you blow up on people, like your partner, children, or coworkers? Looking for practical tools to create change? In this episode of the Men’s Self-Help Podcast, Dr. John Moore will teach you two POWERFUL tools from the world of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) that can be used as coping strategies. Learn how to channel your anger into a discussion with the aim of getting your needs met. As part of the discussion, you’ll also learn why anger is not a dirty word. This week’s listener email comes from a man who is struggling with an inability to urinate in public places and isn’t sure what to do. Learn about shy bladder syndrome, also referred to as paruresis. Important Links: Show Notes – Guy Counseling Blog: Sponsor: - Better Help: Follow Us On Instagram: