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Rebecca Hazelton: Pleasure Meditation

33 Min
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Josh Trent
Rebecca Hazelton is a licensed Nutritionist, Health Coach, Personal Trainer, and HeartMath Coach running her own consulting business since 2001. This week on Wellness Force Radio, we discuss her latest book, Pleasure Meditation: Your Guide to Joyful Stress Reduction. Since 2001, Rebecca has been working as a coach and consultant. Throughout her career, she's found that we all face a lack of tools for dealing with stress management. As a mom, Rebecca is passionate about teaching self-care, how to treat your body with love and respect, and has a nutrition license through AHSU with specialty certifications in Metabolic Typing Nutrition and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition. Rebecca is also a certified Postural Alignment Specialist with the Egoscue University. Her first of two published books, Choosing Health: A One-Size- Doesn’t-Fit- All Guide to Diet, Exercise, & Motivation is a must-read for anyone interested in living a healthier lifestyle. Her new eBook Pleasure Meditation: Your Guide to Joyful Stress Reduction has just been released and is a simple 3-minute guide that teaches you exactly how to boost your feelings of pleasure AND melt away feelings of stress. Letting Go Of Stress Poor stress management and self-care can lead to other numerous health concerns including fatigue, gut health, thyroid problems, and hormonal imbalance. Stress can be so hard on the body; sometimes all you need to do is take a deep breath. But what about taking it further? Stress reduction tools like pleasure meditation can help you to respond to different situations, feel balanced, and experience joy each day. Today on the podcast, Rebecca shares her own story of experiencing stress and how her F.L.O.W. system of pleasure meditation has helped her to manage it and find greater happiness. F of F.L.O.W - Focus On Your Breathing Pleasure meditation can be very powerful and it's great for those who need it, but don't know where to begin with handling their own stress management. The F of Rebecca's F.L.O.W. system is to simply begin focusing on your breathing. Take a couple of breaths to feel present in the moment. During that time, find out where your breathing is coming from. If it's not coming from deep within, but rather from your neck and shoulders, you can be dealing with a great amount of stress. L of F.L.O.W - Let In Love And Let Stress Go To let love in and let stress go, you need to switch out stressed out hormones with beneficial hormones in your brain to help balance out that body. How can you do this? With the power of vision and memory. Let in love by thinking about a wonderful memory of when --- Send in a voice message: