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Recover From Addiction and THRIVE - with Jordan Gray

78 Min
10 Favorites

Ben Goresky
In this episode, my friend Jordan Gray joins me for a conversation about addiction, recovery, and healing the wounds that bind us. Jordan's wealth of experience and knowledge comes clear in this engaging conversation about whataddiction really is, and how some people are able to treat it and recover. Jordan is a sex and relationship coach who helps his clients zero in on whats holding them back, and at lightning speed. He is a no BS coach who gets straight to the root of an issue without delay. He can do in 1 hour what some therapists take 100 hours to do, which is why he is in such high demand. Check out his coaching page at is a recovering sex addict, and he is a powerful coach for people looking for support in their recovery. Jordan's story is a raw and inspiring message of hope for those suffering from addiction. In this episode we cover: What qualifies as an addiction? Habit vs Dependency vs Addiction Sex addiction and how it compares to drug addictions Cannabis/Marijuana addiction The 5 elements of holistic addiction recovery See for privacy information.