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Seeking Love

23 Min
Life Coaching
27 Favorites

Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
This client story may resonate with you because it illuminates an important theme in all of our lives; and perhaps most important for all women who have at one time or another looked to their father or any man for reassurance, approval, acceptance, and love. In this episode of ‘ask Dorothy, I highlight one client’s journey into self-approval and self-love and how she arrived here; her father’s absence in her life, and the real experience of abandonment by him that she continued to carry the burden of even though rationally she knew that her father left her mother - and not her. After listening, please check out next my Life Coaching track: 'This is Self-Love' to help you thrive in self-love! Namaste! Sending you great love! Dorothy