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Stephanie Quinn: You Are Powerful Beyond Measure

25 Min

Josh Trent
The truth is that no matter what narrative the monkey mind tells us, we are all powerful beyond measure. As we explore the depths of this physical and emotional intelligence on the Wellness Force and Wellness Force Friday podcasts, a common theme for all of us on the wellness journey is what type of message we tell ourselves when life is hard. A message that can either be based on love and abundance or in fear, tension, and scarcity. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | REVIEW THIS PODCAST At the end of the day, it's no surprise that the "choice of the voice" comes from us and us alone. You’re probably thinking, “ah, hello, well duh, I know this.” But in this modern life, knowledge is simply not enough. It's embodying that knowledge to show up powerfully in our thoughts and actions that are most important when we get triggered. So then, what is the actual thing, or many things, that really stand in our way? One could say that it’s memories from our past, childhood traumas, or just things that happen "to us" instead of "for us," but the reality is that in the exact same moment of tension or fear, the exact opposite potential also exists. A potential where in that exact same second we can choose to step into our power. Not in some kumbaya-mystic-spiritual-bypassing kind of a way, but in a way where we decide to take that first and sometimes scary step into believing in our deepest core that we are powerful beyond measure. This truth of duality is 20 times more powerful than any nutrition program or CrossFit workout, and this is why today on the podcast you're hearing from Stephanie Quinn, a functional athlete and lifestyle coach for one of the most powerful wellness Force Friday shows to date. Today's show is about knowing and embodying our truth. As Marianne Williamson says: "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us." Embodying An Attitude of Gratitude Stephanie: "Be aware of thy self and take action to make improvements and check your results. Awareness > Action > Adjustment (improvement, course correction). If you can use that for everything in your life you'll be successful. If you can be good at those steps you'll live well. It is, of course, easy to think positive thoughts when you're feeling positive. The real challenge comes in achieving positive flow when you aren't feeling that way. Giving in to gratitude is one of the most important personal characteristics that any human can have. Mountains of research prove that gratitude is a significant part of our happiness and success in life. Being grateful that the challenge is being presented because we know it's going to make us a better person, and looking at it like a puzzle we know can be solved allows us to see challenges as opportunities to grow."