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The 5 Best Strategies for Building Healthy (New) Core Beliefs

22 Min
Healthy Mind
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Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
Core beliefs are the well ingrained messages that we in turn accept and believe to be true; even when they are not accurate. In this episode of CBT 'Best Practices' we dive into the ways in which your core beliefs are developed and how they impact your thoughts and decisions for the rest of your life; unless - you learn how to challenge and change a core belief to represent what is healthy and true. This episode is so very important to understand what has held you back; and how you may overcome a limiting belief with what you decide and know to be true. p.s. There is a lot to take in, in each of these episodes of CBT 'Best Practices', including important strategies and tools that you can immediately apply in your life! Listen with a way to take notes so that you can turn each episode into the change that you seek in your life! Well done!! Please join me for more CBT 'Best Practices' here! Namaste!