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The Truth Sets You Free (sample)

4 Min
Life Coaching
13 Favorites

Dorothy Zennuriye Juno
Psychotherapist & Meditation Teacher
This episode picks up where we left on last in our discussion of the five Yamas. 'Yamas' are moral disciplines that are recorded in the ancient philosophical texts of the Yoga Sutras and here I dive into some ‘Q and A’ on the topic of truth. Truthfulness or ‘Satya’ is the second Yama or limb of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and this moral vow holds many secrets for how we can free ourselves from our suffering. There are many ways that truth finds you. As much as some may avoid truth’s yearnings you can never avoid or deny its huge revelations. If you enjoyed this, please join me and listen to the full version, found right here in 'Life Coaching'!