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[Unedited] Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne with Krista Tippett

91 Min

Krista Tippett
This conversation about Christianity and politics with three generations of evangelical leaders — Shane Claiborne, Greg Boyd, and the late Chuck Colson – feels more relevant in the wake of the 2016 election than it did when we first taped it. White Evangelical Christians helped secure the election of President Trump. Many said that his views on abortion were decisive, overriding concerns they had on other matters. But to be Evangelical is not one thing, even on abortion. We offer this searching dialogue, which is alive anew, to a changed political landscape. This interview is edited and produced with music and other features in the On Being episode “Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne — How to Be a Christian Citizen: Three Evangelicals Debate.” Find more at