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[Unedited] Rachel Naomi Remen (On Repossessing Virtue: Economic Crisis as Spiritual Journey)

23 Min

Krista Tippett
Our SOF First Person series continues with physician Rachel Naomi Remen, author of “Kitchen Table Wisdom.” She sees these fiscally hard times as an opportunity to find our way back to the largeness of our collective story, which is part of the spiritual path we are on as we ask ourselves questions during this economic crisis: What do I trust? What do I really need? Last fall we began to conduct an online conversation parallel to but distinct from our culture’s more sustained focus on economic scenarios. For in each of our lives, whoever we are, very personal scenarios are unfolding that confront us with core questions of what matters to us and what sustains us. We made a list of our guests across the years who we thought might speak to this in fresh and compelling ways. See more at