Wellness + Wisdom Podcast Trailer
The Wellness + Wisdom Podcast asks the deeper, heart-centered, and more powerful questions from the top minds in wellness and personal development. The women and men who listen to W+W believe that it takes the heart of a Sage + Soul to live life well in the modern world. This podcast is where we gather the evidence that we are loved, supported, and on the right path. ---> Get The Morning 21: A powerful (and free) system designed to give you more energy, let go of old weight, and live life well. JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP | *REVIEW THIS PODCAST More Top Episodes 226 Paul Chek: The Revolution Is Coming (3 Part Series) 131 Drew Manning: Emotional Fitness 129 Gretchen Rubin: The Four Tendencies 183 Dr. Kyra Bobinet: Brain Science 196 Aubrey Marcus: Own The Day 103 Robb Wolf: Wired To Eat Best of The Best: The Top 10 Guests From over 200 Shows Get More Wellness In Your Life Join the W+W Community on facebook Tweet us on Twitter: Send us a fun tweet (or a what's up) Comment on the Facebook page --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/wellnesswisdom-josh-trent/message