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What Does Your Intuition Have To Do w/ Getting Unstuck In Life

23 Min
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Tina Stinson
Life & Health Coach
Hey Beautiful Souls! In today' episode I talked about how crucial it is to reconnect with our intuition, especially when we feel stuck in life. I shared my own story about moving from a place of constant stress and anxiety to living a life that's totally aligned with my purpose. It's super inspiring! I dove into how our nervous system plays a big role in all of this and emphasized the importance of daily self-care practices. I even went over some really cool techniques like deep breathing and grounding exercises that we can easily incorporate into our routines. Plus, I talked about how understanding ourselves through tools like human design and astrology can be so enlightening. And get this, I wrapped up the episode by introducing my Soul Aligned Self-Care Intensive program. It sounds like such a great way to get more support if you're looking to dive deeper. I think you should definitely check it out! - Importance of reconnecting with intuition- Overcoming feeling stuck in life- Being connected to oneself, intuition, and gut instincts- Impact of living in a constant state of survival stress and anxiety- Brain's focus on survival and familiar neural pathways- Healing the nervous system and strengthening resilience- Daily self-care practices- Reconnecting with the body and reducing stress- Tuning into intuition through signs, synchronicities, and gut feelings- Tina's journey of healing her own nervous system and helping others do the same Tune into these topics: 00:00:00 - Reconnecting with Your IntuitionUnderstanding the importance of intuition, gut instincts, and inner guidance for living an aligned life. 00:02:27 - The Impact of Stress on IntuitionExploring how chronic stress and survival mode can disconnect us from our intuition and purpose. 00:04:38 - Practicing Self-Check-InsThe significance of daily self-check-ins to reconnect with oneself and acknowledge personal needs. 00:06:31 - Strengthening the Connection with SelfTechniques for grounding, deep breathing, and acknowledging emotions to strengthen the mind-body-soul connection. 00:14:20 - Tuning into Intuitive MessagesThe importance of clearing energy, reducing stress, and paying attention to intuitive signs and messages. 00:17:33 - Exploring Human Design and AstrologyThe role of human design and astrology in understanding oneself and leveraging personal traits as a superpower. 00:20:49 - The Continuous Journey of Self-DiscoveryEmbracing life as a continuous learning experience, defining purpose, and the significance of resilience in facing life's challenges. 00:22:54 - Checking in with YourselfEncourages deep breathing and self-reflection as the first step to self-care. 00:22:54 - Starting the JourneyEmphasizes the simplicity of beginning the self-care journey with self-reflection and deep breathing. I’m so glad you came and hung out with me today on the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast! *Be sure To Subscribe & Share with someone who could use a little self-care & self-love.* If anything resonated with you today, leave a 5 star review to help get the show in front of more people. Remember, always be sure to add some deep-level self-care into your life every single day! Stay connected with Tina below: Exciting News! Join the Soul Aligned Self-Care Circle - New Group Coaching Membership - 7-Day FREE Trial Prioritize yourself, step into your power, and practice daily self-care. Reduce stress, anxiety, and overwhelm while creating balance and success. What We Do: Explore mindset shifts and self-care practices weekly to master your mind, body, and soul. Heal and support your nervous system to become more resilient. Join Us: Become part of a supportive community where you can heal, grow, and feel better together. Check out what’s inside and sign up at 50% off!Free 7-day Trial! Join us: Join The Soul Aligned Self Care Email List, get weekly Self Care Practices & Workshop and Masterclass updates! Get on the list HERE: To get more support, learn about the Soul Aligned Self Care Intensive HERE: Aligned Self Care Must Have Freebies: Grab my Free E-Book/Workbook: The Ultimate Guide To Get Unstuck In Life, right here: Follow Us on Instagram:Connect with me on a more personal level, here's my Instagram - Follow the Soul Aligned Self Care Podcast Instagram: The Human Design Episode I talked about on the show: Lots of love and care, Xo, T