Wim Hof For Stress Relief & Energy
12 Min
3.3k+ Plays
230+ Favorites
NOA|AON aka Pavel Stuchlik
Wim Hof Certified Breathwork Expert
Use this track whenever you need stress relief with an energy boost. These exercises are focused on deep and rhythmic inhalations and exhalations, described as controlled hyperventilation or power breathing. Tips: Sit up or lay down on your back with good-quality headphones. Breathe deep, inhaling through your nose into your belly, chest, and head, and then exhaling through your mouth. Inhale all the way, then, exhale all the way and hold your breath on exhale. When you can’t hold any longer, inhale all the way and optional squeeze and hold for about 5 seconds. Benefits: Promotes energy & alertness, reduces stress, promotes focus and clarity, instant mood boost, enhanced feelings of wellbeing.