Working on Your Sleep [with Dr. Kristin Casey]
Drop In with Dr. J is a DiveThru original podcast. Download the DiveThru App: This week’s episode is for all of the insomniacs, the self-proclaimed ‘night owls,’ the perpetually tired, and the ones who srsly just. want. some. good. shut-eye. Dr. Kristin Casey drops in to share her decade of expertise with you and answer all of your sleep-related questions. Like, what makes sleep better or worse? And why is it so hard to fall asleep even though you’re exhausted from your work day? Oh, and what about sleep supplements?? Yay or nay?? Find out by tuning in! This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Enter code “dropindrj” to get 10% off your first month. Follow Drop In with Dr. J on Instagram. Follow Dr. Justin Puder on Instagram. Follow DiveThru on Instagram.