This Tough Life: Getting Through Tough TimesThis Tough Life: Getting Through Tough Times
Key Takeaways

This Tough Life: Getting Through Tough Times

Something attracted you to this title—This Tough Life. Was it curiosity? Maybe something about it felt relatable? Perhaps it was the quiet recognition that no one gets through life without their share of struggles.

We all have challenges that cause us pain or concern. It’s what unites us—the commonality of being human. Even those who seem to have it all together face their own battles.

Who is the one person who knows exactly what you’ve been through?

Who is the one person who can always be there for you in moments of pain?

You are.

So here we are, acknowledging this shared truth: life is tough. But this isn’t to be morbid. No, it’s about paving the way to help you manage the tough times you face.

Life Throws Curveballs (And The Mind Doubles Down)

Life is unpredictable. Some challenges we see coming; others hit us out of nowhere. These moments test our resilience, patience and strength.

And yet, we haven’t been conditioned to show up for ourselves in these moments. 

Our minds are often our harshest critics, quick to judge or deflect when we need compassion the most. That’s how our brains have evolved—judging, evaluating, comparing and contrasting almost everything.

When times are tough, our minds tend to loop on fear. This fear contracts us, making the world feel smaller. It’s easy to get stuck in the story your mind is telling—the “what ifs,” the doubts, and the guilt.

But even in the midst of darkness, there are moments—small, glimmering moments—that remind us of life’s beauty and connection.

Embrace Glimmers of Meaning When Life Is Tough

The little glimmers of meaning could be a stranger’s kind smile, the quiet joy of sunlight streaming through a window, or perhaps the reminder of someone who sees your worth.

These glimmers don’t erase the tough times, but they can soften the edges, allowing us to make space for ourselves while experiencing the difficult thoughts and feelings that naturally occur.

Remember, even in the toughest periods of your life, you’ve had the strength to keep going. You’ve endured, even when it felt impossible. You’ve found glimmers of joy, contentment, and connection amidst the struggle.

This isn’t to deny the difficulty of what you’re facing but to remind you of your resilience. You’ve been through tough times before—and you’ve made it through.

Sometimes, it’s the smallest actions that give us the greatest sense of meaning and purpose: a heartfelt conversation with someone who truly listens, tuning into the laughter of a child as they share their excitement, or feeling gratitude for the smallest comforts—a warm drink, a moment of stillness or a good night’s sleep.

These glimmers expand us. They remind us of what matters. They create space for healing.

When Life Is Tough, Sometimes We Don’t Get the Validation We Need

Sometimes we don’t get the validation from others that can help us move through the tough time we’re experiencing.

Many people are conditioned to fear the vulnerability they witness in someone going through a tough time. This fear often stems from discomfort with their own emotions or a lack of capacity to hold space for someone else’s pain. 

Instead of offering validation, they might deflect, minimize or unintentionally dismiss our feelings—not because they don’t care, but because they feel unequipped to navigate such raw emotions.

This can leave us feeling unseen and misunderstood, adding another layer of struggle to our already heavy burden. True connection, however, begins when someone can simply acknowledge our pain without trying to fix or avoid it—just being there is enough.

This Tough Life (The 6-Day Audio Course)

This Tough Life is an audio course, available on Aura. It’s about reaffirming our alignment to life during tough times by getting validated and developing a kinder relationship with ourselves.

Listen Now: This Tough Life (The 6 Day Audio Course) is available as a single purchase or free for members of the community.

Join My Community: Never Mind Your Mind: Reuben’s Circle in your Aura app. All courses, including This Tough Life, are free for members.

Never Mind Your Mind: Reuben’s Circle

Welcome to Never Mind Your Mind: Reuben’s Circle 

Never Mind Your Mind isn’t just a body of work; it’s an online community. By taking part, you’re contributing to a positive shift in the world. As you gently absorb the insights and use the tools here, you’re not just changing your life—you’re influencing the lives of those around you.

As I often say, there’s a positive change going on in the world; it all depends on where we focus our attention. Together, we can cultivate a deeper understanding of the human mind and empower ourselves and others to live with greater clarity and compassion.

Life is tough, and there is gentleness within it. Let’s all pull through together.

Do you like the sound of this adventure? Not taking our thoughts so seriously unless they’re helpful. Having a space to share and get validated.

To access the Never Mind Your Mind: Reuben’s Circle community on Aura, simply visit this link. Join us to experience a welcoming space where resilience and spirituality unite. 

Here, you’ll find workshops, guided courses and tools to deepen your connection with yourself and others. Together, we uncover insights, navigate life’s challenges and grow into our most empowered selves.

Let’s pull through together.

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Reuben Lowe

ACT/EMDR Therapist & Spiritual Coach

Reuben Lowe founded an online organisation 'Mindful Creation', as well as the non-profit for young people’s mental health called 'ACT on it'. Specialising in ACT (Acceptance Commitment Therapy), he works at the largest private health clinic in the Southern Hemisphere. He currently designs and standardises the ACT programs throughout Australia for Healthscope. Reuben is also an EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing) therapist and works with people who experience severe trauma. View his Aura coach profile at:

February 4, 2025
Tough times
Tough life
Life is Tough
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