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Aurobindo Gayatri Mantra - Illumination

3 Min
17 Favorites

Jennifer Louise
Meditation and Wellness Professional
Sri Aurobindo's Gayatri Mantra is a profound & transformative invocation that holds a special place in his spiritual teachings. The mantra, derived from the ancient Vedic Gayatri, reflects Sri Aurobindo's deep spiritual vision & aspiration for the evolution of consciousness. "Om Tat Savitur Varam Rupam Jyotiḥ-Paśyaḥ Dhiyō Yō Nahaḥ Pracodayāt," encourages seekers to contemplate the divine light & grace that can lead them towards inner illumination & divine knowledge. It emphasizes the integral yoga path & the divine transformation of human nature, aiming to manifest the divine consciousness within the earthly existence - contributing to the evolution of humanity towards a higher & more harmonious existence.