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Heaven And Earth

25 Min
50 Favorites

Joe Verona
Brainwave Entrainment Hypnotist
The Earth's magnetic core vibrates at a frequency of 10 Hz and is considered Yin in TCM. The Earth's magnetic vibrates at 7.83 Hz +- 2 Hz (Schumann Resonance) which is Yang in nature. When Heaven and Earth are joined through a male and female, the energy is so strong, another life may manifest! On their own 10 Hz and 7.83 are very significant and have many uses. This session entrains your brainwaves to these frequencies allowing you to connect with the universe while still staying grounded to the earth. Encoded with Audiostrobe to use with your mind machine. THIS SOUNDTRACK ALTERS BRAINWAVE PATTERNS. BE SURE TO RETURN TO AN ALERT STATE BEFORE RESUMING ACTIVITIES.