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INNER PEACE: Intentions & Affirmations

10 Min
56 Favorites

Jennifer Louise
Meditation and Wellness Professional
Inner peace is like being in the eye of the storm. When all around you is whizzing, spinning, maybe messy or broken, stressful or fast-paced, you can find your center and invoke a psychological or spiritual state of tranquility, harmony, stillness & inner silence. Finding your own state of Inner Peace is so important, particularly in this fast-moving world of flashy lights & seemingly never-ending stimulation. To find neutrality - giving your body, nervous system, mind & spirit a pause, time to rest & rejuvenate. Peace, serenity & calmness within, is a state of consciousness that may be reached using breathing exercises, prayer, meditation, tai chi, and yoga. Perhaps just listening in silence & getting to know yourself from the inside.