Resistance & 3rd Chakra - Aurelius Quote
7 Min
Life Coaching
12 Favorites
Life Force Energy Coach
This discussion is inspired by a quote by the great Marcus Aurelius. Here's most of the quote: "Everything you’re trying to reach—by taking a long way round—you could have right now, this moment if you’d only stop thwarting your attempts. If you’d only let go of the past, entrust the future to Providence, and guide the present toward reverence and justice... Don’t let anything deter you: other people’s misbehavior, your misperceptions, What People Will Say, or the feelings of the body that covers you (let the affected part take care of those). And if, . . . if it isn’t ceasing to live that you’re afraid of but never beginning to live properly . . . then you’ll be worthy of the world that made you." Thanks for listening.