Sunlight Bath Energy Healing Meditation
30 Min
1k+ Plays
63 Favorites
Jennifer Louise
Meditation and Wellness Professional
Use the power of your mind to transport yourself to a safe, warm place under the radiant beams of the sunshine. It is always a good time for a sunbathe! Whether you are just waking up, about to go to sleep, or anywhere in between, the power of visualization for healing, rejuvenating, and revitalizing can be practiced. The sun and sunlight are such an important part of our health & wellbeing, our sleep cycles, our absorption of vitamins & our mental health & positivity. The meditation includes progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) & takes the healing sunlight on a journey to awaken & balance the major energy centers, endocrine glands, and organs of the body, leaving you relaxed, refreshed & ready to go out & spread your sunshine to others.