What's Reiki and how does it work?What's Reiki and how does it work?
Key Takeaways

Many people have heard of Reiki healing and its soothing benefits, but aren't sure what Reiki is or how it works. In this article, I will demystify Reiki healing so you can decide if it’s something to experience for yourself.

What is Reiki? 

Modern Reiki energy healing comes from Japan, so the word "Reiki" comes from two Japanese words: "Rei" can be translated as "universal” or "spiritual wisdom." "Ki" (similar to “Qi” in Chinese medicine) means "life force energy." Together, Reiki means "universal life force energy," reflecting the practice's focus on channeling divine healing energy.

Understanding Energy Healing and How Reiki Works

Reiki Heals On An Energetic Level

While it can heal the physical body’s conditions and ailments, Reiki works on the energetic or subtle body. Ancient wisdom, such as ayurveda/yoga and Chinese medicine, recognizes that we all have an energetic body, a vital life force that sustains us. Many of us sense this subtle energy when we think about “butterflies in the stomach” or our “heart sinking.” You can think of your body’s energy much like having emotions: you feel them deeply, but you don’t see them physically. 

Understanding that energy is the underlying cause of our mental, emotional and physical health helps us see how imbalances or blockages in this energy can lead to various issues. By working with this energy, Reiki healing can help restore harmony and balance.

The Healing Touch of Reiki

Reiki is often practiced as a hand healing technique when sessions are done in-person with a Reiki facilitator or when you practice Reiki on yourself.

Have you ever hit your funny bone and placed your hand on it to soothe yourself? Ever had an upset stomach and your hands drifted to your belly for relief, or your hands drifted to your head when you have a headache? These are all ways we instinctively and intuitively know how to heal ourselves.

“Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-intrusive hands-on healing technique for use on yourself or with others, which uses a spiritual energy to treat physical ailments without using pressure, manipulation or massage; however, it is much more than a physical therapy. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of the person — body, mind, emotions and spirit — and it can also be used to encourage personal and spiritual awareness and growth.” Penelope Quest, Reiki For Life

Group And Online Reiki Meditation Healing

Reiki healing can be channeled telepathically through Reiki meditation, intention, and concentration, eliminating the need to be in the same location as a Reiki facilitator. Since energy is non-physical, there’s no need to have physical interaction to complete a Reiki therapy session. This makes Reiki treatment extremely versatile as a soothing therapy that can be done online, from a distance, in group sessions or even in pre-recorded sessions.

More FAQs About Reiki Healing

What Are The Benefits of Reiki?

Reiki can heal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your wellbeing. Here are just a few of the many benefits of Reiki:

Physical Healing. Many who receive Reiki report feeling calm and relaxed, as Reiki regulates the nervous system to be open for healing.

Mental/Emotional Healing. Reiki can help unlodge and clear energy that causes unwanted thought patterns and habits in your life. 

Spiritual Healing. Reiki enhances your connection to universal consciousness, fostering a sense of purpose, inner peace, and alignment with your spiritual path. Note, that Reiki complements all religions and personal beliefs.

What Happens In A Reiki Healing Session

In An In-Person Reiki Session: You will typically lie down fully clothed while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or just above different parts of the body. The treatment is designed to create a calm and peaceful environment where healing energy can flow freely.

In A Distance Or Online Session: The practitioner will connect with you energetically, often using a video call to facilitate communication. Despite the physical distance, the healing energy is just as effective, as Reiki transcends time and space.

In A Group Session: Multiple participants receive Reiki simultaneously, either in-person or online. The collective energy can enhance the healing experience, fostering a sense of community and shared intention.

How Does Reiki Make You Feel?

Each Reiki session is unique and you may feel the effects more or less intensely each experience you have. Overall, Reiki often leaves you feeling deeply relaxed, calm, and rejuvenated. Many people describe a sense of warmth and tingling during the session, and some people may have visions or see colors. Usually a session results in a profound sensation of inner peace.  Emotionally, you might experience a release of anxiety and negative emotions, leading to a lighter and more harmonious state of being. All of these shifts in the energetic body can enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

How Often Do I Need Reiki?

A Reiki practitioner can suggest the frequency of Reiki healing sessions recommended depending on your individual needs. For general energy balancing and stress relief, a session once a month can be beneficial, as effects of a Reiki session can take about 21 days to settle! If you are dealing with specific physical or emotional issues, weekly or bi-weekly sessions might be helpful in facilitating deeper healing and balance. You can not over do Reiki, so there is never too much of a good thing. Listen to your intuition and consider Reiki a supportive tool that’s available to you for healing anytime you feel stressed, anxious, or depressed - or when you feel great and just want a little pick-me-up!

How Can I Do Reiki On Myself?

Doing Reiki on yourself involves lying down resting or relaxing in a seated position as you can place your hands in the areas you wish to channel energy. If you are open to trying Reiki on yourself, you can ask a Reiki Master to show you some techniques during your reiki session. Another idea is to join a group Reiki session to learn these healing techniques. Better yet, you can pursue Reiki training and get to know the world of Reiki yourself and how to use it.  

Resources To Get Started With Reiki Healing

To experience Reiki energy, you can find audio tracks, live sessions and opportunities to work 1-1 with coaches on the Aura app.

You can Join Me On Aura to take live Reiki group sessions or set up a 1-1 session. Also, check out these and the many other audio tracks on Aura that include Reiki:

Reiki Meditation: Listen to Believe In Yourself Meditation & Reiki 

Sleep Meditation with Reiki: Listen to Heal While You Sleep Reiki Meditation

If you decide to explore these resources and practice Reiki as part of your self-care and healing, I hope you enjoy the profound relaxation and harmonizing shifts in your energy. 

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Chel Rogerson

Intuitive Wellbeing Coach, eRYT-500

Chel is a certified health & life coach, yoga & meditation facilitator and Reiki Master. Once a stressed-out marketing executive, she turned to yoga, mindfulness and compassion to improve her wellbeing and follow her dreams of traveling around the world and helping others find joy within. She offers retreats and yoga teacher trainings, you can learn more at ChelRogerson.com. View her Aura coach profile at: https://www.aurahealth.io/coaches/chel-rogerson

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